Dance exams can be highly beneficial for individuals pursuing dance, whether recreationally or professionally. Firstly, they provide a structured framework for learning, helping dancers to develop a comprehensive understanding of various techniques, styles, and terminologies. This structured progression can enhance a dancer's skills and confidence. Moreover, exams offer tangible goals that can motivate dancers to practice consistently and strive for improvement. They also provide valuable feedback from experienced examiners, highlighting strengths and areas for improvement, which can guide future training. Additionally, successfully completing dance exams can open up opportunities for further education, performance, or teaching credentials, helping dancers advance in their careers. Overall, dance exams can be a rewarding experience that fosters discipline, growth, and a deeper appreciation for the art form.
Mini Exams will take place during Feb & March 2025
Please click the link to book your exam session
Classical ballet bun tutorial
Hair must be tied back in a classical ballet bun.
All exams take place at:
46 Varney Road, Clifton, Nottingham Ng11 8ex
All children taking an IDTA Graded Exam receive a Medal, Certificate & Report Form.
All children taking an IDTA Rosette Exam receive a Rosette, Certificate & Bannerette.
(Bannerette's will only need to be purchased on your very first exam!)
1) Time of Arrival Please arrive at least 30 minutes prior to your exam time. This will give you time to get settled, get focused, warm up and review your exercises if need be. There will be teachers & assistant teachers in the changing room who will be able to help you with any last-minute questions or nerves that need settling.
2) Arriving at the studio - Please arrive via studio 2 side door not our main front door. Please be extremely quiet upon entering the building. Parents must wait in studio 2 whilst the examinations take place in studio 1. Please only bring 1 adult per child as space is very limited in studio 2.
3) Hair - All children must have hair in a classical ballet bun with hair net, pins, grips and lots of gel/hairspray. If wearing a doughnut, please do not buy a large one even if you have long hair.
4) At Home - Please do not let your child worry about exams. I believe in every single child that walks through our door, and I know they’ll all do amazingly well. Dance is a FUN activity that can be so rewarding. I want all our students to feel that exams are POSITIVE and that they can do whatever they put their mind to. IDTA examiners are so lovely to the children during exams and they want the children to get the best possible grade, so they’ll support and encourage the children when needed.
5) Ages 0-5 - All children taking a ‘Rosette’ go into the exam with a teacher and the exam is just like a dance class!
6) Awards - It usually takes 3 weeks for paper results to come through and around 4-6 weeks for delivery of medals, trophies, awards and certificates.
Ballet, Tap, Contemporary Modern Jazz , Theatre Craft & Acro.
Students are marked on:-
Technique (60 marks available)
Musicality (20 marks available)
Performance (20 marks available)
Attainment Bands -
Pass 65-74
Merit 75-84
Distinction 85-100
Students are marked on:-
Rhythmic Interpretation
Technical Ability
Attainment Bands -
U = Unsuccessful - less that 65%
P = Pass 65-74%
C = Commended 75-84%
HC = Highly Commended 85-89%
H = Honours 90% and above
Attainment Bands
Children can P = PASS or F = FAIL